This guide helps you to build a blog site with Fumadocs and Fumadocs MDX.
We will use Fumadocs MDX to manage the content, and implement our own UI with Tailwind CSS & Fumadocs UI.
Define a blogPosts
import { defineCollections , frontmatterSchema } from 'fumadocs-mdx/config' ;
export const blogPosts = defineCollections ( {
type : 'doc' ,
dir : 'content/blog' ,
// add required frontmatter properties
schema : frontmatterSchema . extend ( {
author : z . string () ,
date : z . string () . date () . or (z . date ()) ,
} ) ,
} ) ;
Parse the output collection in source.ts
import { createMDXSource } from 'fumadocs-mdx' ;
import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source' ;
import { blogPosts } from '@/.source' ;
export const blog = loader ( {
baseUrl : '/blog' ,
source : createMDXSource (blogPosts , []) ,
} ) ;
You can now access the content from blog
Create an index page for blog posts.
By default, there should be a (home)
route group with <HomeLayout />
Let's put the blog pages under it, this way we can get the nice navbar on our blog site.
import Link from 'next/link' ;
import { blog } from '@/lib/source' ;
export default function Home () {
const posts = blog . getPages () ;
return (
< main className = "grow container mx-auto px-4 py-8" >
< h1 className = "text-4xl font-bold mb-8" > Latest Blog Posts </ h1 >
< div className = "grid gap-6 md:grid-cols-2 lg:grid-cols-3" >
{ posts . map ( ( post ) => (
< Link
key = { post . url }
href = { post . url }
className = "block bg-fd-secondary rounded-lg shadow-md overflow-hidden p-6"
< h2 className = "text-xl font-semibold mb-2" > { post . data . title } </ h2 >
< p className = "mb-4" > { post . data . description } </ p >
</ Link >
)) }
</ div >
</ main >
) ;
Good to Know
Colors like text-fd-muted-foreground
are from the design system of Fumadocs UI, you may also use your own colors, or use Shadcn UI.
And create a page for blog posts.
Note that blog posts won't have nested slugs like /slug1/slug2
, we don't need a catch-all route for blog posts.
app/(home)/blog/[slug]/page.tsx import { notFound } from 'next/navigation' ;
import Link from 'next/link' ;
import { InlineTOC } from 'fumadocs-ui/components/inline-toc' ;
import defaultMdxComponents from 'fumadocs-ui/mdx' ;
import { blog } from '@/lib/source' ;
export default async function Page ( props : {
params : Promise < { slug : string } > ;
}) {
const params = await props . params ;
const page = blog . getPage ([params . slug]) ;
if ( ! page) notFound () ;
const Mdx = page . data . body ;
return (
< div className = "container rounded-xl border py-12 md:px-8" >
< h1 className = "mb-2 text-3xl font-bold" > { page . data . title } </ h1 >
< p className = "mb-4 text-fd-muted-foreground" > { page . data . description } </ p >
< Link href = "/blog" > Back </ Link >
</ div >
< article className = "container flex flex-col px-4 py-8" >
< div className = "prose min-w-0" >
< InlineTOC items = { page . data . toc } />
< Mdx components = { defaultMdxComponents } />
</ div >
< div className = "flex flex-col gap-4 text-sm" >
< div >
< p className = "mb-1 text-fd-muted-foreground" > Written by </ p >
< p className = "font-medium" > { page . data . author } </ p >
</ div >
< div >
< p className = "mb-1 text-sm text-fd-muted-foreground" > At </ p >
< p className = "font-medium" >
{ new Date (page . data . date) . toDateString () }
</ p >
</ div >
</ div >
</ article >
) ;
export function generateStaticParams () : { slug : string } [] {
return blog . getPages () . map ( ( page ) => ( {
slug : page . slugs[ 0 ] ,
} )) ;
And configure metadata:
app/(home)/blog/[slug]/page.tsx import { notFound } from 'next/navigation' ;
import { blog } from '@/lib/source' ;
export async function generateMetadata ( props : {
params : Promise < { slug : string } > ;
}) {
const params = await props . params ;
const page = blog . getPage ([params . slug]) ;
if ( ! page) notFound () ;
return {
title : page . data . title ,
description : page . data . description ,
The UI is now completed, you can write some blog posts under the content/blog
directory, like:
title : Hello World
author : Fuma Nama
date : 2024-12-15
## Hello World
This is an example!
Spinning up the development server with next dev
, you should see the blog posts under /blog