

Generating docs for OpenAPI schema

Auto Setup

Using Fumadocs CLI.

pnpm fumadocs init openapi

Manual Setup

Install the required packages.

npm install fumadocs-openapi shiki

Generate Styles

The interactive UI of OpenAPI integration is styled with Tailwind CSS, it doesn't include a pre-built stylesheet by default. You must use it in conjunction with the official Tailwind CSS plugin.

Add the package to content under your Tailwind CSS configuration.

import { createPreset } from 'fumadocs-ui/tailwind-plugin';
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  content: [
  presets: [createPreset()],

Configure Pages

Create an OpenAPI instance on the server. Fumadocs OpenAPI renders the pages on server-side.

import { createOpenAPI } from 'fumadocs-openapi/server';
export const openapi = createOpenAPI({
  // options

Add APIPage to your MDX Components, so that you can use it in MDX files.

import defaultComponents from 'fumadocs-ui/mdx';
import { openapi } from '@/lib/source';
    APIPage: openapi.APIPage,

It is a React Server Component.

Generate Files

You can generate MDX files directly from your OpenAPI schema.

Create a script:

import { generateFiles } from 'fumadocs-openapi';
void generateFiles({
  input: ['./unkey.json'], // the OpenAPI schemas
  output: './content/docs',

Only OpenAPI 3.0 is supported.

It doesn't allow JSON schema specific keywords like const, as they are unsupported

Generate docs with the script:

node ./scripts/generate-docs.mjs

Generate Page Tree

You can add the attachFile to decorate the page tree with Source API.

It adds a badge to each page item.

import { createMDXSource } from 'fumadocs-mdx';
import { loader } from 'fumadocs-core/source';
import { attachFile } from 'fumadocs-openapi/server';
export const utils = loader({
  source: createMDXSource(map),
  pageTree: {
  // other props


The official OpenAPI integration supports:

  • Basic API endpoint information
  • Interactive API playground
  • Example code to send request (in different programming languages)
  • Response samples and TypeScript definitions
  • Request parameters and body generated from schemas


View demo.

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