
Creating Proxy

Avoid CORS problem


A proxy server is useful for executing HTTP (fetch) requests, as it doesn't have CORS constraints like on the browser. We can use it for executing HTTP requests on the OpenAPI playground, when the target API endpoints do not have CORS configured correctly.


Do not use this on unreliable sites and API endpoints, the proxy server will forward all received headers & body, including HTTP-only Cookies and Authorization header.


Create a route handler for proxy server.

import { openapi } from '@/lib/source';
export const { GET, HEAD, PUT, POST, PATCH, DELETE } = openapi.createProxy();

Follow the Getting Started guide if openapi server is not yet configured.

And enable the proxy from createOpenAPI.

import { createOpenAPI } from 'fumadocs-openapi/server';
export const openapi = createOpenAPI({
  proxyUrl: '/api/proxy',

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